Nashoba Cheer

Great End to the Season

Nashoba Cheer

On Sunday Nashoba’s Varsity Cheer Team  headed to Worcester State University for their State competition. On the bus one of the team’s captains, Cat Smith, gave  an inspirational pep talk as the bus pulled up to the college. Smith stated, ” no matter what happens today I love all of you, and my only goal for us today is to hit our routine and leave it all on the mat. This could be my last competition of my ten years of cheering so we need to give it our all today!”.  The team took what their beloved captain said to heart and left it all on the mat.

The girls fought hard and for the first time in many years the team hit their full routine with out a major flaw at the state competition. The girls took home seventh place and scored an 84.5 which was only 3.5 points away from making it to nationals. In order for any cheer team to make it to nationals they need a score of 88. This is the highest that Nashoba has ever scored at a state competition and even though they didn’t make it to nationals, the team walked out of the building proud of what they accomplished this season.  The seniors on the team are happy with the way they ended their senior season.

The girls had an outstanding season, especially for what was supposed to be a rebuilding year. This underdog team threw that label aside and thrived this year with what they were given. Some people were worried about making it to regionals and instead they did better than that, they scored higher than they have ever scored at the State competition – and that is certainly something to celebrate.