DECA Mock Competition

Nashoba DECA will be hosting their mock competition on Wednesday, December 8th, here in Nashoba Regional High School’s auditorium from 8:30am to 12:30pm. DECA is an extracurricular club in which students formulate business projects and compete against other students across the country and is one of Nashoba’s most popular clubs. The mock competition is an opportunity for students to present their business plans and projects to volunteer judges to help prepare for their real competitions. This is the first of four competitions total and will be their first in person competition since early 2020. 

Mock competition’s main purpose is to prepare DECA members for their “real” competitions that might qualify them for nationals. Each group has the chance to present to a judge, then meet with the judge to discuss their ideas.  Judges will provide students with helpful feedback on how to improve on and refine their ideas and presentation skills. This competition also gives first year DECA members the chance to get some experience in the presentation format they will see in their qualifier competitions. Good luck to all DECA members!