Nashoba EMTs Take Part in Disaster Drill at DCU Center

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On Tuesday, September 20th, about 100 students who pretended to be fans at a concert, were tragically interrupted by the sound of gun shots. Within minutes, first responders including police, firefighters, paramedics, and other medical groups, arrived on the scene to assist the “injured”.

This disaster drill at the DCU Center in Worcester Ma, simulated an active shoot-out at a concert in which the crowd suffered mass casualties. The reason: to make sure we are prepared in the case of an emergency and to train local authorities and other medical teams. The Nashoba Regional High School EMT Class had the incredible honor of sending our EMTs into action alongside the other first-response teams.

At the scene, the “victims” were given cards that described their condition. It ranged from “walking wounded” to “deceased.” Medical groups, including our EMTs, responded to these cards and treated them accordingly, testing their speed and using different methods.

Our EMTs also played different roles throughout this simulated emergency. For example Alida Austin, an EMT at Nashoba, explained that she had played several different roles, including a pregnant woman and a diabetic. Our Nashoba EMTs have a strict, no tolerance policy on discussing their calls and what they do as EMTs. Due to this, we cannot explain on the Chieftain Press what specifically goes on during their calls and workshops, such as this one.

Not missing out on the opportunity, communication and technology was assessed and tested by doctors. For example, Google Glass was tested by EMS, allowing a doctor to see what is happening on the scene. The preparedness of a doctor before a patient arrives on the scene is extremely important, and Google Glass may allow for the early planned care of an injured individual, and specific information relayed to the doctor much faster.

Drills such as these are extremely important to our society and our preparedness in case of emergency. Our EMTs had a great opportunity on September 20th to experience a realistic situation in which they would be of great service to the community.