The Class of 2019: How This Year’s Freshmen are Adjusting to High School


Freshman year is a year of change and discovery. With the school year just beginning, freshman are still transitioning into
high school. That first year is truly a whirlwind: the classes are harder, the school is bigger, and the students are from three different towns. Freshman year can be a huge adjustment. However, this year’s freshmen are getting off to a great start.

Mrs. Earley, one of the outstanding English teachers here at Nashoba, had a lot to say about this year’s freshmen. “I think the first couple days they were very nervous” commented Earley. However, Earley believes the freshmen are truly getting the hang of high school and knows they will succeed throughout their high school experience. Her English students are very “enthusiastic” and ready to learn.

In regards to transitioning from middle school, freshman say the most drastic change is entering a new school. Their Middle schools were a lot smaller and there weren’t as many students. Some say they are still having trouble finding their way around. Freshman Meghan McNally  reflected back on her first day of high school, saying: “It was fun. I got lost.” Another freshman, Kelly Riddle, described her first day as “really good because there were a lot of people to help me find my classes.”

NRHS upperclassmen also are proud of this year’s freshmen. They all remember what it was like coming into Nashoba as a first year student and what it felt like to take such a huge step. “I felt scared but excited to start the new year. I was intimidated by seniors and I was worried classes were going to be hard,” senior Kristen Nash recalled. “But as I got older I got used to the high school set-up. I became more independent, made friends, and kind of found myself.” Senior Maddy Keough had a lot to say about the class of 2019: “They’re very excited to learn” says Maddy. She also said looking at the freshman is “a throwback, to be honest” and she helped welcome the freshmen by helping create the “It’s OK” presentation for their first day.

Some upperclassmen advice to the freshmen:

  • “There isn’t a pool on the third floor” -Jessie Harmon
  • “Walk on the right side of the hallway” -Cam Storey
  • “You don’t have to run to your class” -Maddy Keough
  • “Don’t overwhelm yourself and just enjoy your time in high school!” -Cayla Murphy

My personal advice for the freshmen is don’t get too stressed out. Work hard and do what you love, but don’t get caught up in all the work and the drama. Unless you’re in drama club…then do drama. Join clubs! Talk to everyone! You would be surprised who you’ll end up having long-lasting friendships with. High school really does go by fast, so make the most out of it.

The freshman class is still getting started, but Nashoba will be seeing more of them throughout the year. Good luck freshman!