Helpful Tips for a Great Start to the School Year

Tip #1- Procrastination and staying on task can be an issue for many students, especially when they need to study. If this sounds like you, the pomodoro technique might be your solution! 

The Pomodoro technique is where studying is broken down into increments with small breaks in between. You start by picking a task. One round of Pomodoro is twenty-five minutes of work with five minutes of break. The most important part is that you start, it doesn’t matter what you do or how much you complete. 

Wanting a longer break? After four rounds of Pomodoro you get a fifteen to thirty minute break. If getting back to work after a break is hard for you, this is a skill you may want to work on. It is okay if this method doesn’t work for you, this is just one out of many study methods you can use. 

This method, although not for everyone, is great because it helps you resist giving in to all of those little distractions by instead giving you those breaks. In turn, this trains your brain to focus on the task at hand and be able to bring your focus back to a task once it wanders.

After all of your hard work, you not only completed what you wanted to get done, you also got better at focusing and time management. 


Tip #2- Sometimes what seems obvious to us, isn’t always obvious to others so here are some things that you may not have known. On Google Classroom there is a to-do list and calendar in the top left hand corner of the classes page. In the to-do list you will be able to see all of your assignments and sort them to see what you are looking for. If you are missing some assignments you can find all of them in the missing tab. 

All of your assignments that teachers put into Google Classroom not only come up in the weekly calendar on Google Classroom, but google calendar too. 


Tip #3- Whether it be from their ads or word of mouth, you have probably heard of grammarly. For those who haven’t, Grammarly is a free extension that reviews, you guessed it, grammar. It doesn’t just stop at grammar, they also offer revisions on clarity, engagement, punctuation, spelling, and more. You can download it by going to the Chrome Web Store and searching for grammarly in extensions.