Nashoba Robotics ’16-17 Season
The Nashoba Robotics team, otherwise known as Team 1768 or the Nashoba Robochiefs, capped off an impressive season this past weekend in their competition in Rhode Island. The team is led by Nashoba physics teacher Mr. Fortiani, Head Programmer Garrison Taylor (senior), Drive Coach Reuben Connor (senior), Driver Aboudy Dairi (junior), Operator Josh Pelland (junior), Pilot (human player) Sam Talpey (senior), and human players Andy Strauss (sophomore) and Jonah Davis (sophomore). As a combined effort, the Robochiefs earned the Quality Award (sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation) at the WPI District Event held on March 8-10th this year.
This past month, the Robochiefs shipped off to the New England District Event in Smithfield RI to compete for a place in the District finals. Unfortunately, the team fell the the 34th rank, finishing the weekend with a record of four wins, ten losses, and no ties. However, in the event prior to the Rhode Island competition, the team landed in 9th place, with a record of eight wins and seven losses, which was also the competition in which the team earned the Quality Award.
When asked how he thought the team was doing, senior Sam Talpey commented “The season has gone really well. We all put in a ton of work, but thankfully we only had to pull a couple all-nighters. I’m happy with all that we did and how we ended the season. I wish we went longer though.”

After Smithfield, the team shipped up to Lewiston, Maine for the New England District Week 5 Pine Tree Event, where they made it to the quarter finals.
Over the next months, the team will compete in various smaller competitions.
To read more and find more information about Nashoba Robotics, please visit the Nashoba Robotics Website.