Prom Tickets! Get Your Prom Tickets!

Prom Tickets! Get Your Prom Tickets!

Prom season is here, and with all the hustle and bustle of boys worrying about rejection and girls worrying about finding the perfect dress, the important stuff has been left hung out to dry. Get off the phone with the fifth limo company asking for a bargain because you found out that that kind of stuff costs money and mom and dad aren’t gonna come to the rescue, and figure out how you’re actually gonna get in-prom tickets! With that being said, what’s it gonna cost and when are they going on sale? Well, those nifty little key-chains they’re using for tickets this year because paper isn’t glamorous enough are $80 per person and $150 per couple. Tickets go on sale starting next week and will be sold during lunches.

“Sign-ups” for prom will consist of people “signing in” to prom where they will list if they have a date and if the date is in another grade or school as a guest. Please note that “sign-ups” are for a rough idea of how many people are going to attend prom, NOT where you are going to be seated and who you are going to sit with. Tables are going to run on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Similar to a PSA for all you Juniors; you need to have paid $75 in your class dues in order to purchase a prom ticket. If you haven’t paid your class dues and are looking to buy a prom ticket, oh well. So sad too bad. So pay your class dues please and thank you. There’s a HUGE list hanging outside Mr.E’s room in the display with how much people owe towards their class due’s, so if you’re not sure, go check it out. Prom is less than two months away; get hype!

Also, if you haven’t already heard, prom is being held at Mechanics Hall in Worcester. So yeah, have your chauffeur drop you off there. Kinda crucial information, so you’re welcome.