Here is how the 2020 elections may look like

With 2020 at the doors, one can’t help but think of what will go down between the candidates that have placed a bid for the presidential election of next year. As of April 29th, reportedly 700 people have registered with the FEC (Federal Election Commission) and announced their party of affiliation. Among these 700 lie a few recognizable names:

Joe Biden, former Vice President of the United States, part of the Democratic Party, announced the public he was running for president on April 25, 2019;

Pete Buttigieg, current mayor of South Bend (IN), part of the Democratic Party, announced he was running for president on January 23, 2019;

Bernie Sanders, U.S. senator from Vermont, part of the Democratic Party, announced he was running for president on February 19, 2019;

Current President of the United States, Donald Trump, filed to run for his second term on  2020 on January 20, 2017;

Kamala Harris, U.S. senator from California, announced she was running for president on January 21, 2019;

And Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Senator since 2013, announced she was running for president representing the Democratic Party.

The 2020 election has one of the most varied candidacies in terms of age. In fact, both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden are older than our current President Donald Trump, who was 70 years old when he won election in 2016. On the other hand, Pete Buttigieg, King of Nonconformity in these elections, is only 37 years old and was one of the first to announce candidacy. According to Real Clear Polls, Buttigieg is calculated to be in 5th position, right after Kamala Harris and with Joe Biden leading the race with an amazing 36.8% of the votes.

2020 might be the year of a rising new, unconventional presidency, and if the election’s purpose was to turn the presidential stereotype upside down, then our voters would have plenty to choose from. 230 years may seem like a long time since our country has been first under the leadership of the first president of the United States, 45 different terms and presidential goals have come after him, but above all of them (with the exception of former President Barack Obama), there are three common characteristics: sex, race and gender.

The United States has never seen so many candidates that don’t reflect these aspects of the presidency as we see today, and many believe that it’s time for one of these candidates to represent their country through thick and thin and to demonstrate that the US respects the Article II Section I of the Constitution, which doesn’t and never stated that it is wrong for people that aren’t of white skin, of male sex, or of heterosexual orientation to be eligible for presidency.

Maybe 2020 will be the year we see the first female president, or the first publicly declared homosexual president, but since one’s vote is supposed to reflect the political ideology that the candidate represents and not what the candidate looks like or their orientation, it is still advisable to consider everything these candidates stand for before the time to vote, which is still quite far, comes.