A Trip To Walden Pond

A Trip To Walden Pond

This past Monday, the 16th of May, Journalism 2 and a select few students from Journalism 1 went on a unique school field trip. This field trip was to Walden Pond and Walden Woods, a famous state reservation located in Concord and Lincoln, MA.

Walden Pond is famous for one distinct thing – Henry David Thoreau lived there from the years 1845 through 1847. Thoreau was inspired to write a book because of the area he was living in, which he appropriately named Walden. This book is said to have played a large role in society’s  awareness of the environment and involvement in taking care of it.

Though Thoreau and his home are no longer a part of Walden Pond, there are still plenty of activities going on in the area. Tours, educational programs, and guided walks are available to visitors year round, and are only a portion of the activities Walden has to offer.  Many enjoy swimming in the pond or hiking trails surrounding the famous spot. There is also a replica of Thoreau’s one room wood cabin, a gift shop, and a bookstore available to visitors.

For their field trip, the students and teachers took full advantage of all these opportunities. They left after first period and were not back until 1:30 pm. A knowledgeable tour guide brought them through the wooded area, pointing out many historic spots and giving a detailed background of the area, Thoreau, and his connections to the woods. Among many things, they enjoyed a professional imitator who played the role of Henry David Thoreau and explored the acclaimed spot for almost two hours.

After the scenic tour, the class was able to meet the impersonator of Henry David Thoreau, Richard Smith, who talked about Thoreau’s life and answered questions the group had. This presentation was very interactive and unique, allowing students to learn a great deal more information than any lecture could have given. The impersonator answered the questions as though her were actually Thoreau, which gave the students a real feel for who he was and what he was like. To end the trip, the group made a stop in Concord Center where the students were able to explore the area and eat lunch, which was a fun ending to a great day.

This field trip was unlike any other field trip the students of Nashoba may have the chance to go on. It was a valuable learning experience and a once in a lifetime opportunity that students are grateful to have been a part of.

Slide Show of Images from the Trip: https://docs.google.com/a/mynrsd.com/presentation/d/1HZPc-KaIbaYCaeZ60E5tbxiBU8zAkqYcs6jjotYIyv8/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000