One of the most important things to getting good grades is to study. You must be able to study effectively to retain the information. Here are some tips and tricks to ensure you study efficiently and effectively.
Tip #1: Find the Learning Style that Works Best for You
According to, one of the most important things to do before you start studying is to understand how you learn the material best. Wilson College states that the four main learning styles are:
- Visual- Learning from photos, diagrams, and graphs
- Auditory- Listening to lectures, videos, audiobooks, and discussions
- Reading/Writing- Writing and rereading notes, textbooks, and handouts
- Kinesthetic- Hands-on activities (labs, experiments)
Everyone learns differently, so however your friend learns best, may not be the best learning style for you.
Tip #2: Space Out Your Studying Over a Chosen Period
According to Victoria University, it is important to study over time rather than cramming all of it in one night. This helps the information get ingrained in your brain because you repeatedly refresh the information rather than learn it in one sitting. This means it is imperative that you make a schedule for when you are going to start studying. If you leave things to the last minute, you will not be able to space out your learning process.
Tip #3: Join A Study Group
Victoria University also believes that joining a study group is essential to studying your best. Being in a group with people with similar priorities can help you stay focused and on task. This means that it most likely is not the best idea to create a study group with your friends, because it is crucial that you stay on task. Being in a group also gives you the ability to get feedback from peers and hear their opinions and insights.
Tip #4: Change Your Scenery
According to Central Michigan University, another key tip for when studying is to change your scenery. Changing your scenery can help you remember things better and be able to focus on the task at hand. Finding a quiet space is usually a good way to increase your focus, but some people work better in settings that are loud and bustling. It all depends on how your brain is wired and how you retain information best.
Tip #5: Take Breaks
Cuesta College states, “Do not study more than an hour at a time without taking a break.”. This requires you to break up your studying sessions. You learn better when you study for less time each session but over a longer period of time. Not taking breaks will burn you out and the more tired you are, the less information you are retaining. If you are not retaining information, then there is no purpose to your studying.
Hopefully, these tips and tricks will help you with any upcoming exams and ensure you are not wasting your time by studying ineffectively.