Where Are They Now: Bailey Hollis

Last year, Bailey Hollis graduated from Nashoba.

Bailey had taken at least one video production class a year during her four years at Nashoba, and credits Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Offt for inspiring her love of film, “They helped me find one of my passions.”  

Nashoba’s tech department meant a lot to Bailey, “It was my home, it was my safe space. When I had bad days, I was in that room. I was in that room constantly creating. It allowed me to express my creative side that I don’t like to show a lot.”

One of her projects in Video Production 2  was making a music video. She chose the song, “Pretty On The Inside”, because “Being a girl in 2018 has standards. We’ve all seen ‘High School Musical’ and how they’re all skinny and thin. That doesn’t necessarily mean that every girl needs to be skinny and stick thin. Everybody is beautiful, no matter what size, what color, anybody is beautiful. I believe that Nashoba, especially Nashoba, needed it. All the girls needed to know that pretty’s not on the outside, it’s who you are on the inside.”

The video currently has 5.2k views on Youtube. Hollis said that when she found out about the views, she dropped her phone,

She has another Youtube channel, Bailey Poldielsky, where she uploads videos regularly. Her next video she plans to make a music videos for Cher’s new album. Bailey also wants to branch out into sketches and “would love to make a short series.”

Bailey is studying film and history at Bridgewater State University. “I want to see what this next semester brings, but I want to go to Ireland and experience their way of life,” She said. “I want to go to the cliffs and film at the cliffs. They have so many beautiful spots to film at, I want to go.”

She does plan to continue her major in film, but wants to change her history major to archaeology. Her hope is that archaeology will help her to create more realistic mysteries as well as film archaeological digs. She also hopes to solve mysteries: “I want to know where Hitler went. I want to know who Jack The Ripper was.”  

As for her plans after college, Bailey says that “the ultimate goal is to make my own movie. I want to be widely known, also known as the female version of Spielberg.” She explained how making videos and movies that are widely known would be “a dream come true.”

Her advice to Nashoba students who might want to try out Video Production or film is, “if it scares you, do it.” She explains how there’s “nothing better than if you push yourself to the limit and challenge yourself, there’s nothing more satisfying than the outcome.”