Chieftain Press Views The Post


On Thursday, February 15th many lucky students from Mrs. Carter’s and Mrs.Foley’s  journalism classes took a field trip to go and see the Oscar nominated film, The Post, starring Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks Mrs. Carter previously went to see the film on her own time and met a kind couple, who formerly ran a non-profit organization, and was so moved by the movie offered to pay for her students to go and view the movie, all expenses paid. Nashoba journalism students got an opportunity to watch a story unfold about a tumultuous time in our nation’s history, which changed the news business and the role women play in it forever.

Students left the school at 11:30 to go view the movie and were asked by Mrs. Carter to think about how this affected the world of journalism, also to compare where journalism is today as compared to when these events took place. They were also asked to think of the main character, Katherine Graham, who was a woman in a position women in that time didn’t get to often be in, as she was one of the first female owners of a major American paper, The Washington Post. Mrs. Graham had to make a very important decision about publishing information from the Pentagon Papers that would heavily affect her life and career along with those who worked for her. This was a very important event in history that is essential for young journalists and people in general to learn about as the case went all the way to the Supreme Court and ultimately supported the rights of a free press.

The film was well acted and inspirational for journalist and even more specifically to  women in the journalism world. This film is a reminder of the  importance of a free press both then and now.