2018 Class Plays Re-Cap


All the world’s a stage and on Friday, February 9th, that world belonged to Nashoba.  For weeks leading up to the 2018 Class Plays, actors and directors worked tirelessly to put their shows together in an attempt to win it all.

The seniors came out on top with their production of “The End of Civilization as We Know it” with a score of 164. The class of 2018 not only won the judges vote, but also the popular vote. Over 200 people participated in the popular vote giving the seniors an the additional four points needed to launch them into the win. The freshmen came in second with their performance of “Bad Auditions by Bad Actors” and received 159 points. With the judges votes alone, they lost to the seniors by only one point! Watch out for this group next year!! The sophomores received third place with their performance of “The Final Rose.” They were awarded an impressive 146 points. Last but not least, the juniors came in with 145 points with the show “Happily Ever After” putting a new spin on some favorite childhood stories.

Individual awards were also given out. Two debut awards were given to sophomore, Anastasia Fournier-Wassink, and freshman, Sophia Farinella. The award for Best Director went to juniors, Samantha Catalano and Emily Solomon. Two awards for Best Actor were given out, one to freshman, Leo Lukaszevicz and another to senior, Colby Storey.

The Drama Society raised well over what was expected and, as this is their only fundraiser all year, it was quite an awesome surprise. With this year’s great plays fresh in mind, there are high hopes for the plays next year.