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  • 3/14-3/16- Nashoba Drama Presents "The Little Mermaid"
  • 3/6- Homeroom
  • 3/25 and 3/26- ELA MCAS Grade 10
  • 2/27-2/29- DECA States
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The student news site of Nashoba Regional High School

The Regional

The student news site of Nashoba Regional High School

The Regional

The student news site of Nashoba Regional High School

The Regional

Logan Cullen

Logan Cullen, Contributor

Logan is a junior and a member of the Journalism and Broadcast Team. Logan enjoys doing clubs like Drama and being a part of the school’s Musical and play productions. He also plays in the Nashoba Concert band, the Advanced jazz band, and the Nashoba Symphonic Band. He is very excited to be a part of the team this year and to see the amazing things that can be accomplished this year.

All content by Logan Cullen