Nanny in California is Deemed a Hero

Caroline Maurer, a young boys nanny, now being heralded as a hero for saving him from an oncoming car.
Caroline Maurer, a nanny of a two year old boy in California, was taking him for a walk when they were passing a four-way intersection and a car came barreling around the corner. The car was heading straight for them and showed no sign of slowing down.
Thinking quickly, Caroline pushed the stroller containing the toddler as hard as she could away from the speeding car. Caroline told Human Interest “It was going to be him hit since he was kind of more in front of me. So, as the car turned in – I was screaming, ‘Stop! Stop!’ – and pushed him as hard as I could to get him out of the way.” Caroline, instead, took the full impact of the crash. The car crushed her hands and the doctors believe she may have suffered some head trauma as well. Luckily, Fox – the toddler- was saved and didn’t suffer any major injuries thanks to his nanny.
Fox’s family is very grateful to Caroline for saving their son, and according to publication, The Chive, “Fox’s mother said, as a mom, you give your kid to somebody else … your hope and your dream is that they’re going to treat your kid like their own, Davis said. I’m just so grateful to her.” According to Human Interest the family voiced their opinions on the matter, “I think my first reaction was: She’s family for the rest of our lives… Because of Caroline, the worst didn’t happen. She saved his life.” The Chive also reported that “Caroline still faces a long road to recovery from her heroic act. With limited use of her hands, she has been unable to work.”
Without the bravery and selflessness of Caroline Maurer the worst could have happened to young 2 year old boy, and his family will never forget Caroline’s lifesaving act. Fox thanked his nanny in a short quote from the Chive, saying, “We love Nanny Caroline”.