Audition Advice for “The King and I”

Hello Nashoba Drama enthusiasts! With musical auditions coming up on January 14th at 1 PM and 15th at 5:30 PM, drama kids are preparing for the stressful time. To help out with the stress, the Chieftain Press found some tips for you to make this audition your best one yet!

This years musical, The King and I, focuses on a newly widowed woman, Anna, and her son who travel to Asia to become a tutor to the many children of the King of Siam. While there, the King and Anna butt heads about modernizing his kingdom. Throughout their journey of becoming closer, Anna becomes the Kings adviser and helps him change his vision and reputation with other Western countries. Along the way, the king and the widow find love, even though they are very different.

As for auditions, the Nashoba director, Bill Grady, will be overseeing the process. Here’s a timeline of what the day might look like: You will walk in and fill out an audition form, which includes information about your experience and a desired part. Then everyone files into the auditorium and Mr. Grady may talk about the show for a short amount of time. Everyone is broken up into groups, and will be taught a song and dance combination. Actors will sing individually for the group, and will dance in small groups onstage. At some point, Mr. Grady will ask you to do a cold read from the show. The audition will end, but the stress won’t be over. The cast list should be posted by the front office later that week.

Here are some tips to help you out:

  1. Know the show – watch the movie on YouTube or Netflix
  2. Warm up your voice before going into auditorium
  3. Be prepared for anything that might be thrown at you – songs, dialogue, dance steps
  4. The audition starts when you walk into the auditorium, act professional
  5. Don’t talk while others are performing – it’s rude and the director WILL notice
  6. Be friendly to others auditioning, Bill will be watching for chemistry between actors
  7. SMILE, especially when dancing
  8. Every director is different, make sure you listen to what Mr. Grady says, he may be different from other directors you have encountered

“Go in with a clear calendar. You need to show you are committed. You won’t get into the musical if you have too many conflicts” – Rachel

“It’s not about getting the lines or dance perfect, it’s about the presentation. If you get in the show, they will be teaching you the lines and steps anyway.” – Finn

Good luck to all auditioning! Do your best, and remember, to arrive 5 to 10 minutes early. Break a leg!