Fall Play Announced

Fall Play Announced

On Tuesday, September 5th, a very big announcement was sent out to the eagerly awaiting Nashoba drama kids and parents. The Nashoba Drama 2017-18 Facebook group got a message from director, Bill Grady, announcing the fall play. This November, Nashoba will be presenting, Noises Off , a play by Michael Frayn.  The show dates are November 17-19, with times to be determined. Auditions were held on  Sunday, September 10th at 1pm and Monday the 11th at 5pm. Auditions should last between 1-2 hours, although times may vary depending on the number of actors that attend.

Noises Off is a 1982 comedy, which also has been made into a movie, and consists of 5 male roles and 4 female roles. This show is about producing another play, similar to the plot of last year’s musical, Kiss Me Kate- another play within a play The show starts when the actors are hours away from putting on a play. It is midnight and the cast is in final rehearsal, still failing to get the lines and entrances correct. The director, Lloyd Dallas, gets frustrated with the cast and loses his temper. By the end of the first first act, it is almost showtime. 

Come see the show this November and stay tuned for more updates on the Chieftain Press!

Image result for noises off play

Image from kcstudio.org.