MICCA Festival
When one thinks of music, one doesn’t exactly associate the words “competitive” or “recreational” with the idea. But, on Sunday, April 7th, the Nashoba Regional Concert Choir and Chamber Choir competed at the Massachusetts Instrumental and Choral Conductors Association (MICCA) competition at Norwood High School. Over ninety different choral groups and over one hundred and twenty instrumental groups competed in a festival spanning three days, starting on Friday and ending on Sunday.
Both of Nashoba’s choirs pulled off three songs. Concert Choir performed one a cappella piece, one language piece, and another regular English piece with accompaniment. Chamber Choir performed two language pieces, one a cappella and one with accompaniment, and a regular English piece with accompaniment. MICCA competition requires an a cappella piece, and each choir gains more points if they perform a language piece. In an interview with choral director Mrs. Mianulli, she commented on the repertoire picked for each choir, saying she was “delighted” with it, and upon looking at the judges comments, she noted that the Chamber Choir received a gold medal quality rating.
The choirs are judged by an individual scale; starting with a participation certificate, followed by the medal of merit, then the bronze medal, then silver, then gold. Both choirs received a bronze medal. Concert Choir was 1.25 points away from a silver medal, the closest the choir has been in years.
“I was personally extremely pleased,” Mrs. Mianulli stated. “For the first time in years, there were tenors and basses that sounded so beautiful… it was thrilling to me to sound as good as they did.”
Mrs. Mianulli has been directing the choirs for just about 20 years here at Nashoba. She will be retiring at the end of the 2015 school year and is looking forward to the last concert of the year, which will be held on May 22nd at 7 p.m. in the auditorium.