Surprising Results in the 2nd Round of France’s Election

The election for President in France took a surprising turn as the two political parties that have interchangeably been ruling France for many decades lost in the first round. Francois Hollande and the Socialist Party’s term is ending and a new president is soon to be chosen. So, who’s left in the running?
The two candidates, Emmanuel Macron, from the political party En Marche!, with 24% of the vote and Marine Le Pen, from the National Front, with 21.3% of the vote are battling it out in the final round of voting. Other candidates included Francois Fillion from the Republican party, Jean-Luc Melenchon from La France Insoumise party and Benoit Hammon from the Socialist party. They’ve been voted out of the running and the vote lies between Macron and Le Pen in the final poll. Macron’s and Le Pen’s views vary, so this French election should be an interesting one.
Marine Le Pen, the conservative candidate, wants to leave the Eurozone and go back to using the Franc. She also plans to eliminate all legal immigration until border controls can be repaired. Then, she would let only 10,000 immigrates into France annually. In the labor market, Le Pen wants to tax foreign workers so French citizens will get priority and deport foreign criminals and foreigners with radical Islamist links.
Emmanuel Macron, the centrist candidate, created the political party En Marche!, which means On the Move!. He plans to reform the unemployment system. Unemployment rates are still high in France and France’s current president, Francois Hollande, promised to reduce unemployment rates but hardly did. Macron also wants to hire more border guards. In Europe, he wishes to promote free trade and in general boost the labor market with social security payment cuts and flexibility in the 35-hour working week.
All in all, Emmanuel Macron views to help the working force of France more and Marine Le Pen wants to isolate France more to the French people. The results of this final poll between Macron and Le Pen could drastically change France, so be sure to keep yourself up to date!