The NRHS Endowment Fund Seeks Volunteers

Photo courtesy of NRHS Endowment Fund

The NRHS Endowment Fund was established in 1999 as a means of providing funding to Nashoba staff to enrich, complement, and encourage the educational experience of NRHS students, both in and outside the classroom. Twice a year, the Endowment Fund solicits grant requests from the high school staff for programs and materials.

All of the members of the NRHS Staff and Faculty are allowed to apply for grants during the NRHS Endowment Fund’s yearly cycle. The approved grants may be used for program enhancements or enrichment, or for seed money for pilot programs that may qualify for larger grants later on. Examples of materials for classroom use that were funded by Endowment Fund include: calculators and graphing boards for math classes; electronic balances, forestry lab equipment, and physics kits for science classes; Finch Robots and travelling white boards for computer science classes; pedometers for health classes; as well as graphing calculators, noise cancelling headphones, and leadership books for the Nashoba ASC.

The Endowment Fund has provided over $70,000 worth of materials in just the past seven years for school use. The fund has also paid for programs such as Rachel’s Challenge, Body Works Vital, author visits for the English department, summer reading materials, visits to the Museum of Fine Arts and the Science Museum, and more. Additionally, the fund has provided the startup funding for the Robotics Club, Math Team, Chieftain Press, Photography Club, and several other clubs and activities. It has also funded items for DECA, Model UN, and Nashoba’s EMT Program.

The NRHS Endowment Fund also offers they yearly Mary Ann Sessions Excellence in Education Award in recognition of outstanding contributions to Nashoba Regional High School by a staff member.  Nominations are solicited via staff, students, and the community. The recognition is awarded at the Underclassmen Awards Night in June. The Endowment Fund strives to create a learning environment of the highest quality for Nashoba’s students.

Half of the Endowment Fund committee members have “graduated” in the past two years and the committee is actively seeking new members. If Endowment doesn’t get new members, the fund will have to dissolve. At its basis, the committee requires minimal involvement, with only five meetings throughout the year. New members are always welcomed. To learn more about how to help or how to join, please contact Paula Castner at [email protected]