StuCo Takes on MASC
With events such as Homecoming, Spirit Week, and the Pep Rally all transpiring in the fall, the winter months can seem dull with little to no school spirit. However, after the MASC Spring Conference, members of Student Council hope to bring more excitement to the halls of Nashoba.
The Massachusetts Association of Student Councils holds the conference in Hyannis each year to train Student Council leaders across the state and celebrate their accomplishments. The days include leadership activities, lectures, and dances, all designed to bring the students together with a balance of learning and fun.
Student Council Vice President, Izzy Martinez, said that this has greatly influenced how Student Council members think of their involvement with the high school. Martinez said, “We had such a great time at MASC, and it definitely taught us that we can make school fun with StuCo.”
The conference also inspired Nashoba’s leaders with new ideas for Homecoming, dances, and spirit days. Leaders have already made great successes this year with a record attendance at the Homecoming dance but hope to keep the school support and spirit growing for years to come.
“One of the most important things we saw was how other schools brought all four grades together to make the school unified, so that is something we are really going to try to implement,” Martinez said.
President Hannah Wright added, “StuCo is a group to benefit the school and do good for the school; we’ve been doing our best, but there’s still a lot more we could do.”
The two leaders say they found inspiration in the people they met and the stories they heard at MASC and hope to use this inspiration to make the school a better place. They are currently planning more school-wide events and dances to encourage school spirit in the coming months.