The Problem with Prom
Prom is an event held annually by high schools across the country that is the highlight of many junior girls (and boys) year, or even their high school experience. It is a time where girls get to be pampered, dress up like a princess, and spend the night dancing away with a group of friends or someone they love. It is the most iconic dance of those four years as a high school student, and is certainly a night to remember. Girls start picking out their dresses as soon as January to prepare for this event that is usually held in May, and “promposals” even begin around that time as well. But just imagine, being excited to spend this one special night of high school, that you have been dreaming of for the past three years, and being told that no, you can’t spend that special night with your significant other.
Recently, Nashoba Administration formed a rule that no one over 18 is allowed to attend prom. Many juniors are upset over the fact that they can’t take their girlfriend, boyfriend, or just a close friend who is a freshman or sophomore in college to prom. But what really is the reasoning for this rule?
While there has been inappropriate behavior at prom in the past, it has generally been the high schoolers that are the cause of this, not the few college kids. Dr. Graham claims that while he has control over the high school students, he has “very little recourse (other than kicking [a college student] out of the dance) to hold them accountable for any inappropriate behavior.” However, I believe that kicking someone out of the dance is fair punishment if they are behaving so inappropriately.
Another concern of Dr. Graham’s is that students will be under the influence at prom. However, there is as much of a chance, if not more, of high school students being under the influence at prom as there is for college students. If the cut off age, like it has been, was under 21, those college students can’t legally purchase alcohol. Therefore there is as much of a likelihood for a junior at Nashoba to illegally obtain and sneak in alcohol as a 19 year old. In the past, there have been identified problems involving alcohol with Nashoba students, but not as frequently, if at all, with college students.
However, thanks to the inisistent protest of Nashoba students, and the tedious effort to enforce change, the age limit on the rule has been extended. Nashoba Administration reconsidered their view on the issue and changing the rule. The new age limit on prom is now 20, an age that is fair and safe yet gives students the freedom to take their significant others in college to prom.