Hannah Honig’s Trip to Israel

Hannah Honig and Julia Cohen riding a camel in the Negev Desert.

Over the summer, Hannah Honig, a junior at Nashoba, went on a five week trip without her family to Israel with a group called Dol ‘L Dor, which means “from generation to generation.” Honig went to several different locations in Israel such as Jerusalem, Negev, Eilat, Seder Boker and many more.

“Typically everyday, we got up between six and nine. We would sometimes pray before breakfast, but not very often. Our breakfast consisted of a lot of salad, which is a typical Israeli breakfast.” said Honig.

Israel is seven hours ahead of America. Hannah spoke of her difficulty adjusting to the time difference.

“I only wanted to sleep when I first got there. But, after a week or so the timing felt very normal.”

This however, was not Honig’s first time in Israel; she had been there three times before this trip. While she was in Israel, Honig did a ton of hiking and sightseeing. She also took the opportunity to visit some of her family.

“Yes, while I was there I saw most of my extended family. Their names are Frida, Amnon, Avi, Amit, Liat and Adam.” elaborated Honig.

Over the course of the five weeks, Honig was brought into a new light.

“One day we went to a blind museum and there you get to experience what it is like to be blind. We had a tour guide that was blind or visually impaired lead us around in the dark through a series of different rooms. It was a really interesting and an eye opening experience.” explained Honig.

One aspect of the trip that Honig really enjoyed was the independence she felt while she was there.

“Sometimes we would have cash lunches or dinners, where we would be given 40 shekels, which is Israel’s currency, and we would be able to roam around on our own to find our meals.” said Honig.

Honig’s trip was a success because she loved almost everything she did there. Her favorite was going to The Tunnel of David, a water tunnel in Jerusalem.

“There we walked around an underground tunnel filled with water and it was pitch black . It was really fun to try and navigate your way around when you couldn’t see completely and also a little bit scary.” exclaimed Honig.

Israel was an excellent experience for Honig and one she would highly recommend.

“Israel is one of the most spiritual and beautiful places I have ever been too.” reminisced Honig.

Honig also clarified that Israel is safe and has one of the strongest armies in the world.

“Out of the four times I have been there, I have never once gotten hurt or felt unsafe.” explained Honig.

Honig went on to talk about how life-changing the experience was and that she hopes to return to Israel, once again.