Gymnastics Team Wins Winter Team Bonding Contest

It’s February and winter is in full swing. And I’m not just talking about the weather; but the sports team season too. Hockey, Basketball, Skiing, Wrestling, Swimming, Indoor Track… and don’t forget our Co-op Gymnastics team!

The Nashoba Athletics Boosters Club definitely wanted to take advantage of our Winter Sports teams gearing up for their season and wanted to introduce a little competition between them.

“Each season the booster club runs a membership team bonding contest,” Athletic Director, Tania Rich says.

The Winter teams competed to have the highest membership percentage per team in the Booster Club. The goal was to increase membership of the Booster Club, get more families involved in supporting Nashoba Athletics and to provide motivation for the student athletes to compete against other teams, in hopes of winning the cash to go towards a team bonding event.

“We are trying to encouragymgraphge teams to get competitive with each other and try and get their families to sign up.  One yearly membership covers all three seasons for any athletes in that family,” says Boosters Membership director, Catherine Hammill.

In the end, the Gymnastics team reigned victorious. With the highest Boosters membership over any other Winter team, the Gymnastics team has been rewarded with $100 to be put towards a team bonding event.

Congratulations to the Gymnastics team and a big shout out the Nashoba Boosters for up-ing their membership and  getting more families to support our strengthening Athletics program here at Nashoba.

If anyone in your family has any interest in joining the Boosters Club, please visit to fill out a quick, easy form, donate and volunteer now! Or check out their Facebook page; The Nashoba Athletics Booster Club and Twitter page; @NashobaBoosters. They are always looking for new members!