Holiday Classic “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” Turns Fifty
A timeless classic adored for decades, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer has been warming family homes and Christmas hearts for its fiftieth consecutive year. This refreshing animated film follows the journey of a “misfit” reindeer. Rudolph (Billie Mae Richards), who was born with a red glowing nose, is ostracized by the elf community and subsequently disallowed from pulling Santa’s sleigh for this very reason.
Rudolph then meets an elf, Hermy (Paul Soles), whose desire is not to make toys like every other elf, but to become a dentist. Hermy and Rudolph voyage to the island of misfit toys to finally find children to play with them.
The storyline continues with its appealing characters introduced and its well known life lesson. It proves to be a widely influential factor in multitudes of upbringings. It carries a great message about nonconformity and how in fact not everyone has to be a follower.
Even children a bit older than four years old will likely get the message, and for those younger than that, the cute little reindeer and all the musical numbers, as cheesy and outdated as they might seem to older teenagers, will hold their interest.
With charming songs to sing along to, Rudolph is a film for all ages. Regardless of the fact there may be subpar graphics, the uplifting tale of how to be yourself is treasured year after year. A classic holiday film cherished amongst all ages is definitely a must when picking out a movie before Christmas.