Marlborough-Hudson Co-op Makes a Splash

Marlborough-Hudson Co-op Makes a Splash

Football is coming to an end and all the hype deriving from fall sports is hushing to a quiet buzz. Typically viewed sports including both girls and boys basketball, hockey, skiing, and even wrestling are returning this winter. The one sport that many students tend to overlook, however, is the Nashoba Swim Team.

Over the last few years, Nashoba’s swim team has taken a hard beating. As a result, obtaining a larger fan base and becoming better known to the school is a goal for the team. In 2012 and 2013, nearly an average of twenty people showed up at the sports meeting and only a few more participated on the team.

A new turn of events hit the team this year when Nashoba’s athletic director, Tania Rich, came up with the idea of a co-op. This co-op entails the joining of both Hudson and Marlborough’s high school’s underneath Nashoba’s name as the hosting team.

Already, nearly thirty people showed up at the winter sports meeting and even more came to the captains practice’s scheduled in November.

“I definitely think it’s going to be drastically different this year.” Senior and Captain Austin Tarullo stated, “Even though I’ve only been on the team for a year I think we have really gotten the word out and expanded greatly.”

The team has high hopes that they will hold down a few more wins this season. Unfortunately, as a Varsity team the past two seasons they only secured three wins out of twenty four meets and placed tenth out of twelve teams at the end of their season league meet.

Individually, several of the swimmers hope to qualify for not only the league meet but also sectionals and states. Considering how small the team was before, it proved to be a struggle to reach the qualifying meets.

“Now that we’ve combined with the other schools, the team is going to get a lot more competitive.” Sophomore, Meg Haberle admitted, “If we get as many people as we think we are, the coaches may have to start cutting. Even though it makes me more nervous, its a good thing in the end. We’re becoming a real team now.”

The Swim Team goes head to head with Westborough High School at Atkinson Pool in Sudbury, on December 12 at 6:30 pm for their first meet of the season.
The team is optimistic about their upcoming season and plan on winning many more meets and eventually, reaching their goals.