“Homecoming Prince” Responsible for Shooting at Washington High School
Freshman Jaylen Fryberg shot five and killed four students at Marysville-Pilchuck High School in Washington state on October 24. Of the five victims, two were Fryberg’s cousins, 14-year old Nate Hatch and 15-year old Andrew Fryberg. Hatch has been released from the hospital and Andrew Fryberg passed on November 7. Shaylee Chuckulnaskit, Zoe Galasso, and Gia Soriano were also killed.
This “school shooting”, however, wasn’t really a school shooting. With the planning of this tragedy, it is stated that this event was in fact a planned murder with targets in mind. Despite many other cases where the shooter was mentally unstable, it is not thought that Fryberg had any mental issues or leading factors encouraging the event.
Fryberg sent a chilling picture of himself holding a .40 caliber gun to his ex-girlfriend before the shooting, but police are still investigating whether or not this form of contraband in the picture was the same as the weapon used.
Fryberg opened fire on the victims after he invited them over to his table to eat lunch. Student Jordan Luton witnessed the attack and stated that Fryberg, “came up from behind…and fired six bullets into the back of them.They were his friends, so it wasn’t just random.”
After the shooting, Fryberg shot and killed himself.
911 calls from the school during the attack were released last week, the majority frantically calling for help. One call came from teacher Megan Silberberger who played a significant role in stopping the shooting. She described the scene, “We have the shooter…We have many injured. Marysville-Pilchuck High School. We need emergency right away.”
Silberberger made many attempts to stop the shooter from claiming any more victims. “I’m in the cafeteria; I have the shooter. One shooter. Blood is everywhere. I do not see the gun. I have him down… I need help now.”
Silberberger explained to the dispatcher that she tried to prevent him from shooting himself and did not know Fryberg’s name but identified him as a student.
Hatch was exceptionally close with Fryberg, and immediately granted his deceased cousin forgiveness posted in a tweet, “I love you and I forgive you Jaylen rest in peace.” @NateDeezy21 via twitter. Hatch was shot in the jaw and was told that he would never be able to play football again due to the trauma caused by the wound.
Jaylen was a popular student at his high school; he was a member of the football team and was even crowned freshmen homecoming prince the week prior, so it is unclear as to what his motive was and why he carried through with this action. As stated by sophomore, Alex Pietsch, “It’s weird to think about, because you see him and he is such a happy person.”
Investigations are still ongoing.