Anime is a form of Japanese animated entertainment. These shows usually take inspiration from novels and Manga’s, which are written and comic forms of media respectively. Until recently, Anime had been popular throughout the world at an average scale, meaning that Anime is very popular but not World Class. Something being World Class is akin to Major Marvel movies, spread throughout the globe and receiving massive attention everywhere. That changed in April of 2019 when the “Demon Slayer” Anime came out.
How did Demon Slayer affect Anime?
Ever since Anime has been a form of entertainment it has been animated through the same method, by hand. Hand drawn animation has always been an amazing, marvelous, and stupendous thing. Yet while it has infinite potential in theory, it is subjected to hard limiters such as time constraints and money. There are many Animes that had incredible animation for the time, but it was just that, incredible. This standard of animation had been the norm for a long time- with some Animes being better or worse than others- but that all changed when “Demon Slayer” came out. The animation that it presented was, simply put, in another realm. Every scene had so much depth, detail, and precision that it took the world by storm. All animation industries saw what seemed to be a pipe dream released all around the world. This not only propelled “Demon Slayer” to the World Class level, it also changed how animation was done, and that change is still incredibly apparent today.
How did that change affect the industry as a whole?
As mentioned prior, “Demon Slayer” and its new method of animation took the world by storm, but it especially piqued the interest of all animation studios in Japan, the ones responsible for animating Anime. The method was incredibly simple, yet new and groundbreaking. It combined all the aspects of animation: hand drawings, CGI, and 2D/3D animation. Studio Ufotable managed to blend all of these properties together masterfully and use the best of each to create the marvel that is “Demon Slayer.”
“Demon Slayer” not only changed the Anime industry forever, but it also showed what animation is possible and achievable, which impacts all animation world wide! Bringing Anime to the World Class level while earning itself so many awards is the result we can objectively define and quantify, but the impact that it had and has is simply inconceivable.