Did you know we have a Golf Team?

In the Nashoba community, sports are all the rage for students. Some sports get more praise than others, such as the mighty game of football, but that doesn’t mean that the ones that don’t are any less worthy. Over the years, Nashoba has acquired its very own varsity golf team. Despite this, the majority of the school is clueless about the team’s existence.

 Many associate golf to be a “lame” or “elderly” or some dare say “boring” sport, but that’s not the case for Nashoba’s golf team (woo!). The team players are actually very talented, yet their skills go unnoticed. These fantastic athletes don’t receive the credit they deserve.

 The team members meet 3 times a week to practice at Twin Springs Golf course in Bolton. They compete twice a week. Out of twenty five members, eight participate in a match per meet. When asking who the “star players” of the team were, Sean Nash replied with “Alec Dempsey and Joey Tavis.”

So far, out of ten meets, the Golf team has had six victories. Sean Nash, a returning player of three years stated “My favorite part of golfing is putting.”, which is also known as short game in golf terminology.

 The reason this sport has been in the dark is because “It’s not as appreciated as other sports; it’s not like football.” Emily Doran says. Golf goes unnoticed due to the fact that its not a huge spectator sport.

Next time if you’re looking for something to do, or even just interested in Golf, come down and support the team.