Saturday Detention: Students Fight Back

It’s that time of year again; a fresh new school start and everyone is shaking off the dusty cobwebs also known as the comfort of summer. The first-day-of-school blues usually consists of meeting new teachers, reuniting with old friends, and of course, learning the new concepts and evaluations written in the student handbook. This year has proven, yet again, to be no different. The newest and most controversial of the changes being the addition of “Saturday detentions”. These detentions are to be served for three hours on the weekend day, three hours that you could spend sleeping, working, or hanging out with friends. “Saturday detentions”, however, are not in replacement of regular teacher or office-given detentions. Typical offenses that may result result in a “Saturday detention” are behaviors such as bullying, profanity, cutting class, and not fulfilling detentions given by administration. Of course, with every new change, comes a new opinion.

Many students are already aware of the new change, and needless to say, are not pleased with the development. Countless deemed the punishment “unfair” and “only fair for major offenses”. Only the perspective of a “major offense” varies from teacher to student. Students typically do not believe that behavior such as cutting class or skipping out on teacher-distributed detentions is considered a major offense, whereas administration does. “Stupid” and “pointless” were only some of the multiple words used to describe “Saturday detentions”.  One reaction proven to be unique and more thought-provoking, was the respectful question of “who benefits?”. This question, however, is yet to be proven. The new addition, of course, has sparked controversy among the student body. Mr. Cote, one of Nashoba’s vice principals, gifted knowledge on the cause.

Students wondered where this all came from. In Mr.Cote’s perspective, it never left. “It kinda stemmed from when I was teaching here in 2001 and we had Saturday detention.” Mr. Cote stated when asked the origin of the new development. “[It’s to] have another discipline lever to utilize to hopefully change behaviors.” The majority of students would agree that this change takes more of a negative toll, but Mr. Cote has stated in disagreement, “[We’ll] see how it goes. [We’re trying to] focus on learning and keep the students in class.” It’s purpose is to “balance disciplinary action” as described by Mr. Cote, “It’s hopefully going to be a positive.” With the new addition of this disciplinary action, one can expect that not all are yet aware of these changes. As far as Mr. Cote’s plans for getting the word out? “It’s kind of a case-by-case situation…students [will be] communicated with well before.” “There’s usually a disillusionment why discipline is used; [we try to] work with the student.” Hopefully no one will have to experience what seems like a grueling Saturday at Nashoba, but anyone with questions should contact Mr. Cote, Mrs. O’Donnell, or Dr. Graham.