Blood Drives: How You Can Help
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Nashoba’s Blood Drive:
Nashoba will be holding a blood drive this Thursday, March 15th in the high school cafeteria. Many have signed up to help those in need by giving blood, but how many people understand what that donation really means?
Why should you give blood:
Giving blood is important, as it can save thousands of lives. According to the Red Cross in America, every 2 seconds someone is in need of blood. 40,000 pints of blood are needed per day, and each person has 10 pints of blood in their body. Patients who are injured due to an accident are not the only people that are helped by blood donations. According America’s Blood Centers, other’s who need it include; individuals being treated for cancer, those undergoing orthopedic surgeries, those undergoing organ and marrow transplants, individuals undergoing cardiovascular surgeries, and those being treated for inherited blood disorders among other conditions. If you’d like to give blood, but do not know how.
How to give blood:
The process to give blood takes from 10-12 minutes according to the Huffington Post. Seven percent of Americans have O negative blood, which is a universal blood type. This means that the people with this blood type can give blood to anyone of any other blood type. The Red Cross keeps blood stored for emergencies before they even happen. They also supply 40 percent of the nations blood supply. Once stored, the blood is ready to be brought to hospitals 24/7 according to the Huff Post.
Thirty-eight percent of Americans are capable of giving blood at any given time, but only 10 percent actually do, states the Red Cross.
Who can give blood:
According to the Red Cross, in order to give blood you must be at least 17 years old, or 16 with a parents consent. Donors are also required to be in good health and need to be over 110 lbs. A person can give blood every 56 days, platelets every 7 days, and up to 24 times a year, plasma every 28 days and 14 times a year, power red every 112 days and up to 3 times a year. Hospitals mostly request type O blood when they are in need. Looking for a blood drive? Check out this link to find a blood drive near you.