In the wake of problems arising from previous school safety problems, Nashoba took it upon itself to instill new rules and regulations to improve safety in our school. Various updates within the Nashoba schedule and building include newly installed locks in lockers, classroom changes in regards to study classes,assemblies, and changes made in the content available on student Chromebooks. Administration as well as our Nashoba Staff have created these new rules to help ensure and promote a safer and more regulated school environment. The Nashoba students, however, have different opinions. Despite this, the school is still taking various actions to make sure that its students are safe.
On October 9th, Nashoba held assemblies for each grade to inform them on safety procedures and what to do during a lock down using the ALICE method. The ALICE method is a five step guide to remember what precautions students can take during a lock down or an active shooter situation. The students were presented with a video and listened to speeches about how our school is instilling this new procedure. The name ALICE refers to the five steps one should follow in a lock down or active shooter situation: alert, lock down, inform, counter, and evacuate. While these are not in any particular order, this method urges students to choose whatever one best fits the scenario they may be in.
In an interview with two Nashoba students, they gave their input as to how the new changes and precautions taken by the school have affected them. “Being a freshman I missed out on the freedom that previous classes had over the years. I think the school has downgraded,” says Nashoba student Anna Kalber in regards to the new changes. “I don’t like it, everything on the Chromebook is blocked, and I don’t think they should be locking the lockers forcefully. These changes are limiting my freedom.” When asked if these changes have done anything to not only promote school safety but fix current problems within the school, she says, “I think they made it worse because people are finding other ways to do stuff that are more risky. Nothing super bad has happened, but bad things have happened and people need to be more responsible.” In an interview with Nashoba junior Alec MacDonald in regards to his opinion on the subject, he believes all these changes derive from one specific event. “I think these changes were made because of Parkland,” he says. “I think Nashoba only made these changes because they felt they had to.” In response to whether or not these changes were even necessary, he believes certain precautions taken don’t hold much meaning. “The locking of the doors for the student entrances isn’t necessarily safer. It doesn’t really make a difference. These changes weren’t necessary because it hasn’t done anything and isn’t preventing anything from happening anymore than it used to.” When asked about how safe they felt at school, they believe that safety for them isn’t an issue. Despite differing opinions, however, there is on recurring request that students have. “They should teach us how to deal with school problems like lock downs and possible dangerous situations,” says Anna, and Nashoba is doing just that.